Frank and Sue Rubba
Kristen and Kevin
Madison, Ryley, & Family
Dear Mom and Dad:Welcome to The Children’s Place. Here are some important and helpful school and home suggestions for your family. Keep this posted in your home for reference.
My child has medicine they must take, will they be properly cared for?
All prescription medicines that come through the preschool , including nebulizers, inhalers and any other long-term medications must be accompanied by a Doctor’s note with instructions. However, if your preschool child is on a prescribed medication, he/she must be on it for the first 24 hours before returning to school. All adult medications must also follow our policies and procedures.***Medication dispensing slips must be filled out and signed every day on all medicine – prescribed & over the counter. Medicine must be in its original bottle and a medicine spoon must be provided***Our preschool is the number one preschool out of all the preschools in the area!
Every child must have 2 complete sets of clothing that will remain at school. They are to be placed in your child’s yellow “Children’s Place” bag and hung in child’s cubby. (A bag is provided upon payment of registration fee.) These clothes are to be left here for the duration of the child’s enrollment, laundered when necessary and changed seasonally.
Since we have much movement and activities, both indoor and outdoor, it is important your child wear secure, comfortable shoes or sneakers. No sandals or crocs are allowed. Most falls occur from worn shoes laces and improper tying. Please check regularly for worn laces.
Hats and mittens are required for scheduled outdoor play. Remember to LABEL them with your child’s name.
Diapers must be provided for all children
Wipes will be provided by the school.
A crib sheet and blanket must be provided. Please take these home at the end of the week to launder. PLEASE LABEL
Extra clothes and undergarments must be provided. PLEASE LABEL
Bibs and washcloths must be provided. PLEASE LABEL
Bottles must all be labeled – tops and bottoms. Please make sure that there are enough provided for the entire day. o Any food provided must be labeled.
Every morning a daily sheet must be completely filled in with all the information of your child. Please sign these at the end of every day and return to school. (INFANT AND TEDDIES ONLY).
Infant Socials are held throughout the year so that babies’ parents may meet each other and share any concerns/ideas. This can be a great support for all parents.
Infant Development Summary helps us to get to know your baby.
There are no play guns, knives, or action figures of any kind allowed in school; Children may bring in other toys that they would like to share with the children.
Here at The Children’s Place we will teach the child how to problem solve. We will re-direct them when their behavior necessitates and offer the child some time to make another choice. No child will ever be removed from his group. Parents will be contacted immediately if further direction is needed, for consulting or removal when necessary.
Lunches – Nutrition is the key point
We try to help every child complete his/her lunch
Any food your child does not eat will be sent home
Pizza is offered once a week. Pizza slips will be sent home monthly. Please return the completed forms in a separate envelope with correct money.
If your child arrives at preschool between the hours of 7:00-8:00 a.m. and has not eaten breakfast, send it with him/her. Inform the caregiver and we will serve it.
Children are not to return to school until they have been free of fever for 24 hours (without Tylenol).
These health rules are in place to insure the safety of your child and maintain the Center’s health standards. If a child is running a fever, vomiting or shown signs of diarrhea, it is mandatory the child be kept home and the Center be called to report child’s absences. If your child shows or develops these symptoms while at school, you will be called and the child must be picked up from the preschool center.
Each child should arrive at preschool by 9:00 a.m. to allow the child to have a smooth transition into their daily routine. Pick-up times are contracted as per your signed tuition agreement. Please call if there is going to be a problem with pick-up. A late fee will be charged to your account for every 15 minutes.
Pick-up card policy
Pick-up Cards must be carried into school everyday. Your pick-up Card must be visible for teachers to see. No child will be released without a pick-up card as stated in our Pick-Up Card policy. This is in place for your child’s protection.
Sign in/out
All parents/persons when picking up and dropping off must scan their electronic key to sign your child/children in and out. Please do not release/open the door for any person entering the school. They must use their own key. If an individual does not have a key, it is the responsibility of the office to allow them entry
Electronic Mail: Important information
All information is provided to our parents through e-mails such as:
newsletters, articles, calendars, health alerts, and school closings.
It can also be used as a means of correspondence. Please check daily
Monthly Newsletter
Each family will receive monthly newsletter via e-mail which will outline all of the school activities and special events. We ask that parents take the time to read this important communication tool each month and talk with your child about the planned events.
Parent Advisory Board
A Parent Advisory Board (PAB) will meet at least once every two months to help in making decisions that will reflect your child while at The Children’s Place preschool. If you are interested please see the director. Meetings are opened to all parents. Feel free to discuss any concerns or needs you may have at this meeting.
Music Together® is music learned through playful activities that respect and support the unique learning styles of the very young child
This program is designed to nurture your child’s music development. However, music touches many aspects of our lives. Music fosters in our children self-esteem, self discipline and creativity and has been shown to improve reading, math and other skills especially when offered at a very early age. Our program is unique because it will involve many supportive aspects:
Volunteer/parent participation is greatly appreciated for parties, trips, pot-luck dinners, Music Together® classes, graduation and barbeques, office/computer assistance welcomed.
Teacher Conference
There will be two scheduled conferences per year for every child to meet with their teacher/caregiver. However, if you have any questions, would like counseling or have any suggestions, we will be glad to set up an appointment.
If there is ever a need to close the preschool for emergency situations (i.e., snow, hurricanes, floods etc.), tune into channel 10 on your television/website and your
You will receive at time of registration a Holiday/School Closing Calendar for the year.
We will also announce any of our Holidays/School closings in the monthly newsletter. As with emergency closings, the full month’s/week’s tuition is due unless otherwise stated in the calendar.
•Labor Day • Monthly In-Service • Thanksgiving • Friday after Thanksgiving • Christmas Week • New Year’s Day • Good Friday • Easter Monday • Memorial Day • 1 week in June • Fourth of July • Last 2 weeks of Summer
To enroll your child you must make an appointment for the initial visit with the Director. Together you and your child will be given a tour and an opportunity to view the perspective classroom that your child will be entering. We’ll answer any of your questions and concerns. If it is possible we would like you and your child together to spend some time in the classroom. When these steps have been complete we will sit down and review all necessary papers that are required to enroll you child. After your child has completed registration, there is an OPEN DOOR POLICY at all times. Upon enrollment parents will review the following items
Communicative Evaluation Chart
**These forms must be completed and returned by the child’s first day of school.**
Records and registration forms
It is your responsibility to notify the office in writing if there is any change on your child’s registration for (i.e., new address, new phone numbers, people picking- up, emergency contact, etc.)
Scheduled are tailored to meet individual family needs
Changes in your child’s schedule must be requested and approved by the office two weeks prior to any changes. This applies to a change of days, adding or dropping.
Tuition payments must be made payable to “The Children’s Place”.
All payments must be paid on the first of the month. A late fee will be charged for payments not received within a week of due date.
Tuition is based on Four Weeks of Service
Full tuition is required regardless of absence/emergency closings.
Tuition deposit is required at registration.
There is a $25.00 fee for checks returned unpaid by the bank.
Failure to comply with these payment procedures will cause your child to be ineligible for further participation in this Center’s program.
Tuition Agreement
Tuition agreements will be based on the amount of time requested. This is to be signed and returned to the office. Extended hours must be contracted to avoid late fee charge.
If your child is not attending school on a schedule day, it is mandatory that you inform the school. Tuition is still due in full.
Regular hours: 8:00am-3:00pm
Extended hours: 7:00am-4:30pm
Monday-Friday (year round)